
Frequently asked questions

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Multiple peer-reviewed studies have found Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy to be a safe procedure. Additionally, over the course of our study, there have been no reports of any long-term negative side effects from treatment.

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In order to preserve cell viability (amount of live cells) the mesenchymal stem cells are cryogenically preserved in a protective solution at -86 C immediately after producing . Once ready for use, the cells are carefully brought to the appropriate temperature and immediately will be injected IV


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Multiple peer-reviewed studies have found mesenchymal stem cell therapy (MSCT) to be a safe procedure. At MSC Stem, we have never had any patients report harmful effects from treatment or a worsening of their condition.

Common short-term side effects immediately following the cell transplant have been fatigue, headache, and nausea. The patient will be under direct medical supervision for the duration of the treatment and recovery period of 1-2 hours. We have not had any reports of short term side effects lasting for longer than 2-3 hours.

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All travel restrictions have been removed in The Netherlands. 
Both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers can travel freely without restriction.
Categorie: FAQ

The usage of adult mesenchymal stem cells is not subject to the same ethical concerns as fetal and embryonic stem cells.

Categorie: FAQ

We do offer logistical support throughout the entire process. However flights, ground transportation and accommodation are not included in the base treatment cost. We have partnerships with select hotels  and can offer exclusive discounts reserved only for our patients.

Categorie: FAQ

Stem Cells During The Aging Process

When we are born we have a high number of stem cells in our bodies to respond to injuries, and repair and regenerate our bodies tissues and organs. This number of stem cells declines throughout life due to the fact our adult stem cells have limited self renewal, hence why we age. When a person is subject to injuries, illnesses and unhealthy lifestyle practise, this decline in stem cell numbers can quickened as more stem cells are forced into use.

Stem Cells: As We Age

There is increasing evidence that the aging process can have adverse effects on stem cells. As stem cells age, their renewal ability deteriorates and their ability to differentiate into the various cell types is altered. Accordingly, it is suggested aging-induced deterioration of stem cell functions may play a key role in the pathophysiology of the various aging-associated disorders.

Understanding the role of the aging process in deterioration of stem cell function is crucial, not only in understanding the pathophysiology of aging-associated disorders but also in the future development of effective stem cell-based therapies to treat aging-associated diseases.


Adult stem cells, also known as somatic stem cells, are found throughout the body in every tissues and organ after development and function as self-renewing cell pools to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues throughout life.

However, adult stem cells appear to age with the person. As stem cells age, their functional ability also deteriorates. Specifically, this regenerative power appears to decline with age, as injuries in older individuals heal more slowly than in childhood. For example, healing of a fractured bone takes much longer time in elderly than in young individuals.

There is a substantial amount of evidence showing that the deterioration of adult stem cells in the adult phase can become an important player in the initiation of several diseases in aging.

Mechanism’s for Functional Deterioration of Stem Cells in Aging:


Aging is characterised by common environmental conditions, such as hormonal, immunologic, and metabolic disorders and these are considered as the critical microenvironmental factors affecting stem cell functions.

DNA damage and Telomere Shortening

In mammals, spontaneous and extrinsic mutational events occur on DNA on a daily basis. While most of the damaged DNAs are repaired by normal DNA repair mechanism, some of the mutated DNAs appear to escape from the repair mechanism and accumulate over time.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mitochondria are ubiquitous intracellular organelles in mammals and are the main source of cellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that plays a central role in a variety of cellular processes.​

Epigenetic Alteration​

Epigenetics refers to changes in gene expression, which are heritable through modifications without affecting the DNA sequence. It has also been defined more broadly as the dynamic regulation of gene expression by sequence-independent mechanisms, including but not limited to changes in DNA methylation and histone modifications.​
Categorie: FAQ

We only use AATB certified suppliers of US-donated cord tissue, and do not accept outside cords, as our cGMP certified lab is specifically calibrated to accept cords from these suppliers with strict specifications. Accepting cords from outside sources puts quality control into question, and would require the production process to stop within the lab to avoid cross-contamination issues.

While this can be done, it would be at greatly heightened time and cost, for no biological benefit. Medically, there is no difference between cord sources for isolated cord tissue derived MSCs. Cord tissue stem cells are essentially “unclaimed” and immuno-priviledged, so there is no noted benefit to use cells from a family member.

Categorie: FAQ

With our current knowledge of stem cells, it is technically feasible to delay aging and improve both health and lifespan. Stem cells can play a crucial role in delaying the aging process. Stem cells, in combination with anti-aging genes, can create a sophisticated shield, which can prevent the effects of aging.

Stem cells, play a crucial role in delaying the aging process. Stem cells make a complex and protective shield, which stand against the eroding effects of aging. The shield of stem cells is a primary target for absorbing the shock of aging. If this shield neutralizes the shocks, it could lead to a youthful state. Studies suggest that stem cell interventions that increase rejuvenation and keep in balance the expression of anti-aging genes could delay aging and result in prolonged lifespan.

The benefits of a stem cell transplant for aging

  • A feeling of vitality and rejuvenation
  • Improved capacity for physical activities
  • Thickening and improved quality of hair
  • Increased libido
  • A decrease in pain
  • Increased strength, balance & overall mobility
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Overall improvement in the quality of life
  • Immune system regulation
  • Decreased inflammatory markers
Categorie: FAQ

No, our protocol calls for the administration of the cells at a slow rate of 1cc per minute by hand by the physician to ensure control of the infusion. This method ensures the prevention of clots and other complications. There have been no reported cases of clots or embolisms from intravenous treatment.

Categorie: FAQ

Yes, all tests listed on the pre-treatment package are required to be completed within the listed validity period to ensure treatment safety and efficacy.  It is also imperative for us to establish a baseline of your condition and catch anything that could potentially cause harm if unaddressed.  This is a requirement of our IRB approval, and is audited on a yearly basis. .  The requisition will include all of the required labs.

Categorie: FAQ

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), especially those derived from umbilical cord tissue, have shown a remarkable ability to avoid entrapment in the lungs due to their optimal size (17-19 µm) and efficient navigation of the pulmonary circulation. Although MSCs may come across the pulmonary first pass effect upon intravenous administration, their extraordinary homing capabilities enable them to precisely target areas of inflammation and injury in the body, significantly enhancing their overall therapeutic efficacy. The temporary presence of MSCs in the lungs does not diminish their potential benefits; in fact, they actively exert paracrine effects by releasing trophic factors and modulating the immune response. Continuous advancements in research and optimization of MSC administration techniques unequivocally support the highly effective delivery of these invaluable cells in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

Categorie: FAQ

Yes, we have partnerships with hotels. However, accommodation is not included in the base treatment cost.

Categorie: FAQ

Yes, we offer interest-free financing (14 months) via our partner Advance Care Card. They aim to combine low interest rates and flexibility, to make financing simple and affordable. Apply for financing here

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Yes, we have written over 80 articles specifically designed to help prospective patients learn more about mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), stem cell therapy and other areas of regenerative medicine. We have also created a Study Database which includes a variety of third party peer reviewed research conducted on mesenchymal stem cells for a variety of different conditions.

Categorie: FAQ

In short, no it does not. We only offer one single protocol, the intravenous IV transplant of 300 million cord tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), This protocol is designed to be effective for a variety of different conditions and thus the cost of treatment will not change from what is listed on our

view costs

Categorie: FAQ

A novel stem cell therapy for hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure


The aim of this study was to propose a stem cell therapy for hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) based on plasma exchange (PE) for peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) collection and examine its safety and efficacy. Sixty patients (n=20 in each group) were randomized to PE (PE alone), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) (PE after G-CSF treatment), and PBSC transplantation (PBSCT) (G-CSF, PE, PBSC collection and hepatic artery injection) groups. Patients were followed-up for 24 weeks. Liver function and adverse events were recorded. Survival analysis was performed. PBSCT improved blood ammonia levels at 1 week (P<0.05). The level of total bilirubin, international normalized ratio, and creatinine showed significant differences in the 4th week of treatment (P<0.05). The survival rates of the PE, G-CSF, and PBSCT groups were 50, 65, and 85% at 90 days (P=0.034). There was a significant difference in 90-day survival between the PE and PBSCT groups (P=0.021). The preliminary results suggested that PBSCT was safe, with a possibility of improved 90-day survival in patients with HBV-ACLF. See Study 2

Categorie: FAQ

The stated primary goal of our protocol is the marked reduction in the levels of chronic low-grade inflammation for an extended period of time. Stem cells have a unique, intrinsic property that attracts them to inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that stem cells can regenerate damaged or diseased tissues, reduce inflammation and modulate the immune system promoting better health and quality of life.

Studies have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCS) may positively impact the following conditions:

  • ALS
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • COPD (or other degenerative / inflammatory lung conditions)
  • COVID-19 (long-haul / acute)
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diabetes (Type 1)
  • Heart Failure / Heart Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Lupus
  • Lyme Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Neurological Conditions (degenerative)
  • Neuropathy
  • Parkinson’s
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) or (CRPS)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Stroke (ischemic & hemiplegic)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Categorie: FAQ

In order to determine treatment candidacy we request that all patients complete an application online. This screening application will give our medical team the preliminary information needed in order to determine if the applicant may be a candidate for our IRB-approved protocol. Once completed you will receive a follow-up email within 72 hours with further onboarding instructions. We have a three step onboarding process every patient must follow prior to final treatment clearance:

Step 1: Complete Screening Application

Step 2: Complete Patient Intake Forms

Step 3: Complete Treatment Prerequisites (Labs, Exams, Imaging)

Categorie: FAQ

Treatment results are quantified by measuring changes in unique inflammatory markers in conjunction with subjective data provided in PAR-Q vitality questionnaires. Our patient management team will follow-up with patients every 3 months for 24 months post-treatment in order to collect post-treatment efficacy data.

Categorie: FAQ

Currently the clinical use of expanded stem cells is not authorized in the United States. Despite the clinical evidence, the United States still has very strict regulations and laws against stem cell treatments. While you may find many clinics in the US offering “stem cell therapies”, these therapies are highly restricted in scope and number of cells used and quality of those stem cells.

It is because of these laws in the US that many have traveled abroad to receive the latest therapies, including many high-profile athletes and celebrities. It has created a booming medical tourism industry in the last decade. DVC Stem seeks to provide patients with safe and effective treatments, in a safe, luxurious, and beautiful setting.

Categorie: FAQ

Patient response to treatment is dependent on a large variety of biological factors, however is also subject to the behavior and lifestyle of the patient. Patients who adhere to an active lifestyle, anti-inflammatory diet, and restrict the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine can seen sustained results for 2+ years, depending on condition. On average, patients have reported little signs of regression up to 24 months following treatment and patients rarely return to their pre-treatment state.

Please note: every patient is different and responds to treatment in their own way. There is currently no way to accurately predict the results of any stem cell treatment. We highly encourage prospective patients to do their research before pursuing treatment. It is still a new, but promising field for treating many conditions which could otherwise not be treated.

Categorie: FAQ

Treatment may produce measurable results within 3-6 months following treatment. This is indicated by a marked reduction in levels of inflammation and changes in general vitality as measure by our follow-up questionnaire. However, it is common for patients to report improvements in their quality of life and a lessening of their symptoms within the first few weeks following treatment. However, every patient is unique and may respond to treatment differently.

Categorie: FAQ

The length of the onboarding process is highly dependent upon the patients ability to provide the necessary pre-treatment documentation / lab work in a timely manner – on average it will take patients roughly 2-3 weeks to obtain the required material. Once our medical team received the entirely of the requirements the patients file will be reviewed within 72 hours. Once reviewed the patient may then proceed with booking a treatment date – we typically have a 1-2 month scheduling lead time.

Categorie: FAQ

Our IRB-approved protocol calls for the systemic administration of 2 million native (not culturally expanded) human umbilical cord tissue-derived adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The cells are administered manually at ~1cc per minute by our Medical Director, Dr./Drs  M.A.F.Sediqi . The infusion occurs on the second day and is roughly 2-3 hours long. It minimally invasive and has a 1-2 hour recovery period. (single IV transfusion in the forearm).

Categorie: FAQ

The cost of treatment starts at €0,0 . You will receive a quote after you have completed your screening application. Travel and accommodation are not included in the base treatment cost. You can learn more about our pricing 

view costs

Payment Policy

To confirm your treatment date we require a 50% deposit, with the remainder of the balance being due no later than two weeks prior to your scheduled treatment date.

Payment Methods

We accept global payments via international bank / wire transfer, Visa & Mastercard as well as most debit cards. (please note that a 4% convenience fee will be added to credit/debit card payments)

Categorie: FAQ


MSC have a degree of immuno-suppresive activity and thus are not usually subject to the same immune response as other foreign cells. Mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cord tissue are universally accepted and have no chance of rejection. Cord tissue derived MSCs are essentially “brand new” and immuno-priviledged, unclaimed by the body. Additionally, unlike other forms of treatment such as an organ transplant, there are no blood products used, and there is no HLA matching required. Umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) face no chance of rejection when administered.

Categorie: FAQ

The purpose of the Screening Application is to eliminate applicants that may not be a candidate for treatment prior to starting the onboarding process. Once the onboarding process has begun, a variety of tests will be requested to ensure the patients is cleared of any active cancer or infections which may impact treatment eligibility.

Categorie: FAQ

Yes, MSCStem a is fully licensed healthcare facility.

Categorie: FAQ

No, unfortunately treatment costs are not commonly covered by insurance.

Categorie: FAQ

Revolutionizing Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

We follow the highest standard, respecting safety & innovation in the delivery of native not culture exponded MSCs. without HLA-2 surface receptor Our stem cell therapy clinic located in Almere 30 km from Amsterdam Netherland is currently enrolling patients for our IRB-approved protocol utilizing 2 million per 60 ibs of body weight native( not exponded) umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs). We follow transparency

Categorieën: FAQ, Treatments

Privé behandeling van Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Wat is diabetes type 2?

Diabetes is een ander woord voor suikerziekte. Er zit te veel suiker (glucose) in uw bloed.

Bij diabetes type 2 komt dit doordat cellen in uw lichaam niet goed reageren op . Insuline is een hormoon.

  • Insuline zorgt ervoor dat cellen genoeg suiker uit het bloed halen. Bijvoorbeeld als u koolhydraten eet of drinkt, zoals brood, pasta, jam, koek of limonade.
  • Als u diabetes type 2 heeft, gaat dat niet goed. Er blijft te veel suiker in het bloed. Dat is slecht voor uw lichaam. Als het lang duurt krijgt u schade aan bijvoorbeeld uw ogen, hart en nieren.

Wat merk ik van diabetes type 2?

Vaak merken mensen niet dat hun bloedsuiker verhoogd is.

Sommige mensen krijgen wel klachten, zoals:

  • veel plassen
  • dorst
  • moeheid
  • afvallen
  • vaak blaasontsteking
  • bij vrouwen: jeuk aan de schaamlippen
  • bij mannen: vaak ontsteking van de eikel

Als u jarenlang te hoge bloedsuikers heeft, kunt u schade krijgen aan uw ogen, nieren, zenuwen en bloedvaten. U kunt dan klachten krijgen, zoals:

  • slechter zien
  • pijn en tintelingen in uw armen en benen
  • minder gevoel in uw voeten
  • wondjes aan uw voeten die slecht genezen
  • problemen met lopen
  • bij mannen: niet of moeilijk een stijve penis krijgen

Met diabetes heeft u ook meer kans op:

  • ziekten van uw hart en bloedvaten, zoals een hartinfarct of een beroerte
  • psychische klachten, zoals een depressie

Hoe ontstaat diabetes type 2?

Bij diabetes type 2 zijn de cellen in uw lichaam minder gevoelig geworden voor . Er gaat dan niet genoeg suiker vanuit het bloed naar de cellen. Daardoor wordt de bloedsuiker te hoog.

  • Dit kan gebeuren als u te zwaar bent.
  • Erfelijkheid speelt ook een rol.
  • Ook uw afkomst kan meespelen.
    Als u van Hindoestaanse, Surinaamse, Marokkaanse of Turkse afkomst bent, heeft u meer kans op diabetes type 2.

Diabetes type 2 ontstaat meestal pas na het 40e jaar. Op jongere leeftijd komt het ook voor, vooral bij mensen die te zwaar zijn.

Behandeling onze methode en doelstellingen:

1-Wij streven om binnen 3 maanden de Hb1Ac binnen de norm te krijgen

2-Wij streven om medicatie tot alleen 500 mg Metformine te beperken, en waarom 1 tab van Metfromine omdat het is bewezen dat metformin werkt als antiaging en healthspan,  en omdat Metformine beïnvloed cellulaire metabolisme en door anti -hyperglycemische reactie hersteld insuline sensitiviteit en reduceert oxidatieve stress en beschermt endotheel van bloedvaten dus de kans van hart en vat ziekte wordt beperkt.

3- Als  de adviezen correct worden uitgevoerd , volledig sensitiviteit van celmembraan voor insuline word hersteld en stofwisseling wordt genormaliseerd, onder ander ook bloeddruk en de lipide spiegel wordt verbeterd en gestabiliseerd, het lichaam krijgt meer energie en de dorst gevoel en overmatige diurese wordt verbeterd.

Onze Werkwijze :

1 – Consultatie met onze arts Kost €385,- als die leidt tot behandeling, dan is die verrekend.
2- Uitgebreide Intake
3- Screening bloed onderzoek wordt vergoed
4- Medicatie aanpassingen
5- Lifestyle aanpassingen
6- Controle
over 2 weken ( gesprek met onze arts voor 30 min inleveren van dag curve)
over 4 weken nuchter glucose bepaling arts consult
over 3 maanden bepalen van Hb1Ac en arts consult
Desnoods controle over 1 jaar

Categorie: FAQ

Stem cells are the body’s raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are created. Mesenchymal stem cells are adult stem cells that have self-renewal, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, signaling, and differentiation properties.  Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), self renewal capacity is characterized by their ability to divide and develop into multiple specialized cell types present in a specific tissue or organ. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be sourced from a variety of tissue including adipose tissue (fat), bone marrow, umbilical cord tissue, blood, liver, dental pulp, and skin.

Categorie: FAQ

Both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers can travel freely without any restrictions.

Categorie: FAQ

Mesenchymal stem cell therapy may be able to help a variety of different conditions. The stated primary goal of our protocol is the marked reduction in the levels of chronic low-grade inflammation for an extended period of time. Stem cells have a unique, intrinsic property that attracts them to inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that stem cells can regenerate damaged or diseased tissues, reduce inflammation and modulate the immune system promoting better health and quality of life.

Studies have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCS) may positively impact the following conditions:

  • ALS
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • COPD (or other degenerative / inflammatory lung conditions)
  • COVID-19 (long-haul / acute)
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diabetes (Type 1)
  • Heart Failure / Heart Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Lupus
  • Lyme Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Neurological Conditions (degenerative)
  • Neuropathy
  • Parkinson’s
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) or (CRPS)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Stroke (ischemic & hemiplegic)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

If you do not see your condition listed above please complete a contact forms  so that our medical team may manually review your case and also search for your diagnosis in our Study database

Categorie: FAQ

In order to ensure patient safety and treatment efficacy we require all patients to complete a panel of labs, medical exams and imaging prior to final treatment clearance. The information provided will allow our medical team to establish a baseline of your pre-treatment status or catch anything that could potentially cause harm if unaddressed.

The specific requirements will be provided in detail via email after the initial screening application has been completed. Additionally we have a patient management team that is available to help answer any questions related to the onboarding process.

Categorie: FAQ


Our IRB-approved protocol consists of a two-day period which involves the intravenous (IV) transplant of oo million culturally expanded or native not expanded human umbilical cord tissue-derived adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The cells are administered manually at ~1cc per minute by our Medical Director, Louis A. Cona, MD. The infusion occurs on the second day and is roughly 2-3 hours long. It minimally invasive and has a 1-2 hour recovery period. (single IV transfusion in the forearm).

On the day prior to the infusion, we perform a variety of pre-treatment therapies designed to aid in stem cell activation and potency (musculoskeletal rehabilitation, acupuncture, lymphatic massage).

Categorie: FAQ

The stated primary goal of our protocol is the marked reduction in the levels of chronic low-grade inflammation for an extended period of time.

Stem cells have a unique, intrinsic property that attracts them to inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that stem cells can regenerate damaged or diseased tissues, reduce inflammation and modulate the immune system promoting better health and quality of life.

Depending on the primary ailment or initial condition of the patient, the effects of stem cell therapy can lead to a reduction in harmful symptoms, stabalization of condition and a significant quality of life improvement an extended period of time.

Categorie: FAQ

All deposits are fully refundable up to two weeks prior to the scheduled treatment date. If you are unable to make your appointment or need to reschedule, our patient management team can help you organize another date for no extra charge.

Categorie: FAQ

We are currently still collecting long-term data and do not have any published results to share specifically related to our IRB-approved clinical trials.(Trial HPC/CTR/003). However, preliminary data that has been collected over the past 4 years has been exciting.

Patient reported results have since shown that ~85% of our total patient population have noted a sustained improvement in their condition within 3 months of treatment. This data is measured via a follow-up vitality questionnaire that is compared to baseline results collected within 3 months prior to treatment in conjunction with unique inflammatory marker testing.

More specifically, the current average improvements for our  patients 3 months after treatment are as follows:

  • 75% increase in Stamina
  • 53.75% increase in Libido
  • 51.40% increase in Energy Levels
  • 43.97% increase in Balance
  • 28% increase in Coordination
  • 23.19% increase in Strength
  • 21% increase in Vision

Average improvements concerning cognitive function 12 months after treatment are as follows:

  • 19.84% improvement in Memory
  • 44% improvement in Ability to Concentrate
  • 31.94% improvement in Decision Making
  • 12.5% increase in Quality of Sleep
Categorie: FAQ

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are widely used in the treatment of various diseases due to their self-renewable, differentiation, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. In-vitro (performed in a laboratory setting) and in-vivo (taking place in a living organism) studies have supported the understanding mechanisms, safety, and efficacy of MSC therapy in clinical applications.

There is a plethora of research surrounding the mechanisms of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).  Many studies have outlined their diversified capabilities.  These characteristics enable MSCs to be used in a variety of clinical settings for multiple degenerative conditions.

Research is starting to suggest that umbilical cord tissue-derived MSCs (UC-MSCs) may be more potent than other sources of mesenchymal stem cells thus potentially increasing their clinical efficacy.

Differentiation: refers to the normal process by which a stem cell undergoes maturation to become more distinct in form and function. For example, a single mesenchymal stem cell has the potential to develop into various types of cells

Immunomodulatory: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can regulate the immune system by promoting an inflammatory response when the immune system is under-activated and reducing inflammation when the immune system is over activated.  MSCs can play a key role in preventing the immune system from attacking itself similar to what one may see in many autoimmune disorders.

Anti-inflammatory: The reduction of harmful inflammation within the body. Inflammation is a response from the immune system that is aimed at protecting the body from harmful external stimuli as well as aid and repair the body.  However, when over activated, inflammation can have a detrimental effect on the body.

Categorie: FAQ

Our protocol utilizes culture-expanded umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs).

Our cells are ethically sourced from AATB certified, US-donated, full term human umbilical cords and processed in our award-winning partner medical laboratory located in the USA, which is fully FDA registered, cGMP compliant, ISO 9001, and ISO 13485 certified. The cells are tested to ISCT standards for viability to ensure they meet minimum QA requirements multiple times before treatment.

To ensure cell safety, we conduct advanced therapy testing for sterility, endotoxins, mycoplasma, HIV-1/HIV-2, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphillis. We also conduct confirmation of identity URMC Flow Cytometry testing to ensure post-thaw viability, and MSC phenotype expression (CD73+, CD90+, CD105, etc.)

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MSCStem is located in the Netherlands.

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In accordance with FDA regulations, an IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects.

The purpose of IRB review is to assure, both in advance and by periodic review, that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in the research. To accomplish this purpose, IRBs use a group process to review research protocols and related materials (e.g., informed consent documents and investigator brochures) to ensure protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects of research.

Categorie: FAQ

Umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells have the ability to differentiate into different cell types and have the greatest proliferation rate of other types of stem cells (adipose, bone marrow, cord tissue). UC-MSCs are known to secrete growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines, improving different cell repair mechanisms. These functions all assist the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of MSCs. Non-invasive cell product The harvesting procedure of UC-MSCs is non-invasive as it does not requir extraction from the patient. Our native MSCs are taken directly from an area of an ethically donated human umbilical cord just only from Caesarean section cases . UC-MSCs also have a high proliferative potential than BMSCs and ASCs meaning they expand in vitro more effectively allowing for greater efficiency when obtaining higher cell numbers. Studies have found that UC-MSCs genes related to cell proliferation (EGF), PI3K-NFkB signaling pathway (TEK), and neurogenesis (RTN1, NPPB, and NRP2) were upregulated (increase in the number of receptors) in UC-MSCs compared to in BM-MSCs. (15) ‍

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The primary goal of our protocol is to promote long-term condition stabalization and we do not require follow-up treatments. Some do choose to return for follow-up treatment voluntarily, most commonly to achieve further improvements. We generally do not recommend more than one treatment per year for most degenerative conditions.

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