Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis

A New Treatment Delivering Uncommon Results


At MSCStem we offer a new treatment to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that delivers health outcomes that many did not know were possible.

Our treatment provides a more comprehensive MS treatment than conventional therapies offer. It provides critical components of MS treatment that conventional therapies miss, to directly target both the condition’s symptoms and the root causes of the condition. 

By following this new approach, we have produced meaningful improvement for each of the MS patients we have treated. 39% of our patients experienced partial improvement to their condition, while 61% of our patients experienced significant improvement.

Understanding MS: A New Perspective


MS is a complex condition.

MS is a complex condition. While its causes remain a mystery, its progression and impact on the individual suffering from it are well documented. 

When someone develops MS, their body’s immune system begins to attack their own central nervous system (CNS).

This attack creates a vicious cycle. The body’s T cells enter its CNS, and attack the myelin sheaths that encase its axons (the projections between neurons that carry signals). In the early stages of MS, the body will be able to repair the damage caused by these attacks through remyelination. But over time, the body’s repeated T cell attacks create an inflammatory response. This recruits additional immune cells to the site, who also attack the body. Eventually, the body will no longer be able to keep up with these attacks. Its repair process will fail, and it will form scar-like plaques over the axons, that lead to the MS condition’s symptoms.

In short: MS is a debilitating degenerative disorder that can only be effectively treated by applying therapies that both stop the body’s immune system from attacking itself, and regenerating tissue that has already been damaged.

Unfortunately, conventional therapies are not able to address these underlying elements of MS so at best can slow progression in certain subsets of patients.


The Fundamental Flaw in Conventional MS Therapies


Most conventional MS therapies are at best able to manage symptoms and slow progression, but do not address the fundamental causes of the disease. 

Typical treatment regimes prescribe patients a host of medications that suppress, slow-down, or otherwise alter the body’s immune system activity. By doing so, these therapies can help the patient manage their symptoms and slow progression, but they do not correct the underlying dysfunction of the body’s immune system, and they do not repair tissue damaged by the condition.

Clearly, a new approach to MS treatment is needed.  


At MSCStem, we offer a regenerative approach to MS treatment. Our approach treats MS as the degenerative condition that it is, and assists the body’s own ability to both correct its dysregulated immune system, and to repair its damaged tissue. 

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