Lung Disease

Lung Disease

Lung Disease: A Next-Generation Treatment Approach

Improved Breath Quality. Increased Energy Levels. Reduced Chance of Respiratory Failure.

A New Treatment Delivering Uncommon Results

At MSCStem we offer a new treatment to Lung Disease that delivers health outcomes that many did not know were possible.

Our treatment delivers positive health outcomes for all forms of Lung Disease, and addresses the root causes of this condition.

By following this new approach, we have produced meaningful improvement for each of the Lung Disease patients we have treated. 37% of our patients experienced partial improvement to their condition, while 63% of our patients experienced significant improvement.

The improvements we have produced include, but are not limited to:


Reduced Coughing, Wheezing, and Shortness of Breath

Improved Energy Levels and Sleep Quality

Reduced Chance of Respiratory Failure

Improved Blood-Gas Ratio

Reduced Mucus Production and Expulsion

Reduced Tightness of Chest

Reduced Inflammation

Reduced or Removed Scars and Clots


Continue reading to learn how our new approach to Lung Disease treatment produced these improvements, and how we might produce equivalent improvements for you or your loved one.


Understanding Lung Disease: A New Perspective

Lung Disease is a common condition. Hundreds of millions of people around the world suffer from it. They experience significant breathing problems that cause discomfort, that prevent their body from receiving enough oxygen to function properly, and that create a lowered quality of life and increased risk of mortality.

Lung Disease is also a challenging condition. The lungs themselves are a complicated apparatus that expand and relax thousands of times per day. A single problem in just one component of this system can manifest in a debilitating condition, and these problems can be encouraged by a wealth of factors that include, but are not limited to:

  • Habits like smoking.
  • A polluted living environment.
  • Other infections in the body.
  • Genetic predispositions.

Many of these factors are cumulative, and build up damage to the lung tissue for a long time before a condition becomes apparent and diagnosed.

In short: Any effective treatment for Lung Disease must address both the problematic component of the lung system, and regenerate any lung tissue that has been damaged over time.

Unfortunately, conventional therapies demonstrate their limitations when attempting to address these underlying elements of Lung Disease.

The Fundamental Flaw in Conventional Lung Disease Therapies

Most conventional Lung Disease therapies simply mask the condition’s surface-level symptoms. They help to alleviate coughs, diminish the volume of mucus expelled, and clear away incidents of shortness of breath or tightness of chest.

Please note: these are helpful short-term improvements. But ultimately, by focusing on symptoms conventional therapies allow the patient’s underlying condition to continue to progress beneath the surface. The patient will continue to accumulate damage to their lung tissue. Over time they will suffer an increased incidence of flare-ups that their therapies cannot treat. And they will experience diminishing energy levels, physical capacity, and quality of life.

Clearly, a more effective and complete approach to Lung Disease treatment is needed.

Our approach for Lung Disease treatment centers on the targeted administration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC). Properly administered stem cells can provide multiple benefits for Lung Disease.

Once administered, the cells will divide to replace old or damaged lung cells, and contribute to overall lung health. They will migrate to the misbehaving lung components and the damaged tissue, and fuse with the problematic tissues and transform into a healthier, properly-functioning iterations of that tissue.

Properly administered stem cells can provide multiple benefits for Lung Disease. They can:

  • Improve the microenvironment of the lungs to promote repair and regeneration.
  • Proliferate, differentiate, and active current lung-resident stem cells.
  • Differentiate into the lungs’ type II alveolar epithelial (ATII) cells.
  • Lower the number of activated effector T cells in the lungs.
  • Reduce inflammation in the lungs by:
  • Downregulating the production of inflammatory cytokines.
  • Stimulating the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.
  • Suppressing T cell-mediated inflammation.
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