Below is a sample of existing clinical evidence:

“All patients were terminal state LC (Liver Cirrhosis) patients. Two third in 51 had the ascitis and more than one third had hepatic encephalopathy. After single stem cell therapy using UCBSC (Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell), most of the hepatic
 encephalopathy patients and more than two third of ascitic patients were improved in symptom or responded to medical therapy who were refractory to previous therapy… Stem cell therapy serves for prolongation of the life and improvement of quality of life.”
– “Treatment of the end Stage Liver Cirrhosis by Human Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells: Preliminary Results,” Bahk et al, Stem Cells in Clinic and Research, 2011
Reduced Fibrosis
Removal of Jaundice
Reduced Ascites
Reduced Water Retention
Reduced Chronic Fatigue

Subsiding of Itchy Skin
Reduced Pain and Swelling in the Abdomen, Legs, and Ankle
Decrease in Inflammatory Markers (such as C-Reactive Proteins)

Understanding Liver Cirrhosis: A New Perspective

Liver Cirrhosis, also known as Hepatic Cirrhosis, is a condition that develops as the liver accumulates damage over the long-term and gradually loses functionality. Liver Cirrhosis is a complex degenerative condition that develops over months or years, and can be caused by many factors. These factors include, but are not limited to:

  •   Alcohol abuse.
  •   Genetic factors.
  •   Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E.
  •   Iron overload (hemochromatosis).
  •   High quantities of certain medications.
  •   Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NASH).
  •   Infectious Mononucleosis (Epstein Barr virus).


Many of these factors are cumulative, and can build up damage to the liver tissue for a long time before a condition becomes apparent and diagnosed. Over time, the patient may begin to express various symptoms that include weakness and fatigue, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice (the yellow discoloration of the skin).

In short: Liver Cirrhosis is a debilitating degenerative disorder that can only be effectively treated by regenerating the affected liver tissue, repairing damage to any other impacted tissues, and restoring the healthy structure and functioning of the liver.

Unfortunately, conventional therapies are not able to address these underlying elements of Liver Cirrhosis, and at best can mask its symptoms in the short-term.

The Fundamental Flaw in Conventional Liver Cirrhosis Therapies

There is no cure for Liver Cirrhosis, but there are a range of conventional therapies used to attempt to treat its symptoms. These therapies vary depending on the underlying condition that has caused the Liver Cirrhosis, though most of these therapies begin with lifestyle modification. Common modifications include reducing alcohol intake and losing weight. However, lifestyle modification can only attempt to minimize the damage accumulated by these factors, and does nothing to actively regenerate the tissue that has already been damaged.

In some cases—in particular when hepatitis is involved—Liver Cirrhosis is treated through medications such as antiviral medications or interferon. These medications are not guaranteed to work, and can carry significant side effects that include additional weakness, headache, nausea, sleep issues, problems breathing, and depression.

Finally, Liver Cirrhosis is also treated through surgery. In the most extreme cases, Liver Cirrhosis is treated through a liver transplant. Each related surgery carries its own risks, and these transplants require a viable liver donor and taking additional immune suppressing drugs.

Each of these conventional therapies are dangerous, with no guarantee of success, and often lack any type of regenerative impact on the liver or other impacted tissues.

Clearly, a new approach to Liver Cirrhosis treatment is needed.

Our Approach to Liver Cirrhosis Treatment:
What You Will Get

At MSC stemcell therapy centre , we offer a regenerative approach to Liver Cirrhosis treatment. Our approach treats Liver Cirrhosis as the complex, degenerative condition that it is, and assists the body’s own ability to repair and regenerate liver tissue and other tissues that have been damaged due to the condition.

Our approach for Liver Cirrhosis treatment centers on the targeted administration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC). Once administered, the cells will divide to replace old or damaged tissue, and contribute to the health of the liver as a whole.

Properly administered stem cells can provide multiple benefits for Liver Cirrhosis. They can:

  •   Transform into new liver tissue.
  •   Migrate to the site of the damage.
  •   Prevent and reduce scar formation.
  •   Communicate with, and alter, nearby cells.
  •   Encourage existing damaged cells to self-repair.
  •   Regulate the immune system, and reduce inflammation.
  •   Protect remaining hepatocytes and prevent them from dying.


Our approach has produced partial or significant improvement to all of our patients’ conditions in a relatively short period of time. Depending on the stage of each patient’s condition, our approach has produced results either almost immediately, or within the first few months following treatment. For even the most challenging cases, we have produced improvement within six months of initial treatment.

Our Approach to Liver Cirrhosis Treatment: How It Works

We have developed a regenerative treatment for Liver Cirrhosis that centers on the targeted administration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs).

Stem cEll treatments offer the first Liver Cirrhosis treatment that is able to regrow the various tissues damaged by the condition, and to regenerate the liver at the cellular level.

Our treatment introduces a flood of new, multipotent MSCs into the patient’s body, which perform the main therapeutic mechanism of repairing and regrowing the patient’s degenerated liver tissue. The MSCs encourage differentiation into new liver cells, releasing a suite of growth factors to support the growth of new liver tissue, and releasing anti-inflammatory secretions and modulating the immune system to prevent ongoing liver damage.

We combine our MSCs with additional nutrition, RNA, and supportive therapies to give the necessary building blocks for the repair of both the liver and to any additional tissues damaged by the primary condition.

By combining these MSC treatments with supportive therapies, our approach to Liver Cirrhosis treatment can target the underlying conditions and problematic tissues that cause Liver Cirrhosis, and give the body the biological components it needs to recreate healthy tissue. Our treatment supports the body’s own natural healing methods, and helps to return the liver to a state of good health and normalized operations.

Over time, these therapeutic mechanisms improve the body’s functioning and impact the patient’s symptoms. Our patients typically experience a holistic improvement in their quality of life that includes more energy, lower medication requirements, and a greater sense of day-to-day wellbeing.

Here’s how it works.

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